madison PAIGE
"My greatest asset is my lifelong refusal to think of and experience the world from the safety of convention. I aim to live my life at the intersection of passion and purpose. No matter what I'm doing, vision, creativity and the crazy belief that anything is possible, have been the fuel of my strange and colorful life."
My skill for strategic thinking, solving intractable challenges and my passion for the underdog converged in 2013 when I launched Bold Blue Campaigns, a strategic and political services corporation created expressly to help Democratic state and local candidates run strong, credible, competitive campaigns no matter where they are in the country. Recognizing the funding and staffing limitations of these smaller, lower-profile campaigns, I devised a way to ensure that these candidates had the support they needed to run against our opposition.
In 2019, with the understanding that elections are not enough, I took time to deconstruct how our opposition seems to remain in power, even when they are not in the majority. In 2020, I created a Five Point Power Acquisition Plan for the American Left which is explained in the book Punching Nazis: A Plan to End the Republican Party.
In mid-2021, i conceived of a relationship and community building platform that would empower people to thrive despite an increasingly tumultuous environment in America. Recognizing the need to build systems of community in addition to working on the political aspects of social and cultural change, in late 2024 I launched FreeLifeNation, a webapp designed to bring people together in their communities to build relationships of interdependence, trust and self-reliance to help them survive and thrive in an increasingly hostile economic and political system.
I started my first business almost by accident when I was 21 years old. Today, some 35+ years later, I've never escaped the love I discovered for business.
I am a lifelong problem solver, entrepreneur and innovator. I am performance-, passion- and people-driven in my endeavors, always believing that one can do well and do good at the same time. I often find myself well ahead of the curve in business ideas and endeavors, which has been both a blessing and a curse.
I find joy in speaking with, mentoring and brainstorming with other entrepreneurs and business people and doing what I can to help them realize their dreams.
In 1989, at. the age of 21, I started WEB Environmental Group with my partner. We grew that enterprise into a multi million dollar firm. In 1998, I started my own boutique web design firm, the Madison-Paige Agency. I specialized in creating media-rich websites -- a rarity for the time. In 2001, I expanded into video production to incorporate video into my web designs. Oasis Media Productions was at the forefront of a changing internet and media landscape. In 2005, we pivoted to creative production and produced "branded entertainment" -- a new concept at that time. In 2013, I launched Bold Blue Campaigns, to solve the barriers and limitations that local and state candidates with limited funds were experiencing in their campaigns. It is the nation's only grassroots-funded political consultancy expressly serving local and state candidates. In 2022, I launched an athletic wear brand, KGYGT®, "Keep Going, You Got This!" an inspirational brand that makes it easy to cheerlead those around you. In 2024, I'm rolling out the FreeLifeNation web app designed to bring people together in their communities to build relationships of interdependence, trust and self-reliance and to help them survive and thrive in an increasingly hostile economic and political system.
Film + TV
My work in film, video and TV has been as unconventional as the rest of my professional experiences. After all, my work in the space evolved during a time of great disruption and innovation in technology and entertainment. that began to blur the lines between what had been traditionally considered "television" and film, and the new emerging modalities of entertainment.
For example, in 2002 I launched the Shared Video Moments website, a pre-YouTube video sharing service that debuted with Wishes From Home - a service that allowed recently deployed military troops to see their loved ones face-to-face via online video. Working closely with Peppercom PR Agency in NYC, thousands of military families sent us their VCR tapes (hey, it was 2002!) and we digitized them, converted them to flash, and uploaded them to a unique “family URL” hosted on our secure servers. Families could then see videos of their loved ones from far away, at no charge and without the security risks of normal videos which, at that time, had to be downloaded. Between 2005 and 2007 I moved into the new, but as-yet under the radar “branded entertainment” space. I produced a series of travel videos for Nevada Tourism Commission and wrote and produced a branded cooking show series called FitGourmet for World Gym International in 2005. In 2006 and 2007, I wrote and produced an interactive legal crime drama web series, The Jury. Even before social media platforms would make things like this much easier to do, our show aired to a small online audience in early 2008 and incorporated audience participation, live chat, a new concept called “social viewing” and voting. In 2009-10, I debuted Taste and Chat, eight episodes of a live, interactive worldwide wine tasting show that expanded the social viewing experience into ecommerce and was another branded entertainment venture.
Since then, through my Visionarium Studios brand, I have worked with variety of production teams, producers and other production houses, as well as leading writing teams for HUSHED!, my original drama series about mental health in the black community and ALL-IN, a comedic series designed to highlight and normalize a vision for an inclusive, collaborative society while shining a light on the limitations and changes that would need to be made to achieve it. Verdict by JURY, releasing in 2025, is a reimagining of my 2007 series.
Throughout it all, I have maintained the belief that entertainment has been, can and should be a powerful force for social change.
Nobody can change the world alone.
Over the years I have had the good fortune to have access to mentors, leaders, thinkers, speculators, innovators and a host of really extraordinary people who have, in some significant way, aided and supported me in my endeavors. These people have helped me dream big, plan big and live my life without unnecessary limits.
But with privilege comes a great responsibility to make our communities and our world a better place and to improve the lives of the beings living in it. It is with deep gratitude that I offer my money, time, experience, skills and talents to individuals and organizations to do my part to help create a better world. Some of my passions include:
Creating a more rational world, free from religious and superstitious dogma
Creating more interconnection and interdependence within our communities
Eliminating speciesism and opposing the harm and exploitation of non-human animals
Supporting activists and smaller organizations, who are working (often in obscurity) to improve the lives of people in their communities
Normalizing the acceptance of people who practice sexual and relationship diversity
Supporting entrepreneurs and small business, particularly black female owned endeavors and those of people who are envisioning innovative ventures
Supporting artists and other creatives who bring beauty into the world while their art challenges our thinking and conventional perspectives
In 2020, I joined the Board of Directors of American Atheists where I am proud to be directly involved in advocacy for and equal civil rights and social acceptance for atheists in America. I take part in and support an ever-expanding range volunteer activities ranging from educational support, to support for local farmers and educators, taking part in key planning committee activities of the local Burning Man affiliated event, Catharsis on the Mall, and serving as a trustee at the Awesome Foundation DC, a micro-granting organization that focuses on funding Awesome projects that benefit DC and its residents. I'd love to be more involved in my local fine arts community and am looking for just the right opportunity.
I have so much more that I want to do to leave this world a better place and to make a difference in the lives of all of its inhabitants.
:in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication; not owned or controlled by anyone
When I turned 50 in 2017, I was happy, healthy, grateful and living a life that I had never imagined. I declared that "Life Begins at 50!" and became indignant about what I had become convinced was a broad social misinformation effort put forth to convince young women that aging was a miserable, lonely, painful experience to be feared and avoided at all costs.
I conceptualized a brand that would disabuse women -- younger and older alike -- that many of the limitations and inevitabilities we were told to expect as we aged were, in fact, laregly untrueand within our control. And Feral Woman Over 50 was born.
Feral Woman Over 50 is my answer to these life-limiting messages. I seek to empower women as I take them along with me on the wildest, most exciting ride imaginable. Whether I'm taking up pole dancing for the first time or returning to ballet and tap after decades away from it, learning a new language, experimenting with new ideas, joining new communities, or otherwise jumping off the merry-go-round of convention, Feral Woman encourages and inspires older women to live our fullest and boldest lives, while showing young women they have absoltely nothing to fear.
I am available for virtual or in-person appearances and interviews for your TV broadcast, radio broadcast, broadband program or podcast, as well as for speaking and panel participation at your meeting, conference or convention.
I am also available for consulting, brainstorming, solution-finding and feedback for your business or non-profit organization.